Prestige Edition, God of War, Midway studio closing!

July 15, 2009 at 10:09 am (Uncategorized) (, , )

Yesterday we announced that the price of the Prestige Edition of the upcoming Call of Duty was $149.99 Well it is now available for pre ordering at Amazon, along with the normal edition and the Hardened edition (which is pretty much the Prestige Edition minus the night vision goggles and the molded head, at $79.99).

What do you think? Is it going to sell out? I have a feeling it will.

In other news, the popular God of War game will soon be adapted into a series of books! For now, two books have been announced that will be published under Del Rey. The first one will come out at the same time as the third game, expected in Spring 2010 (limited edition anyway? Maybe..). Looks like this is franchise not ready to die, with a third game, books, and a movie adaptation! Let’s hope for the best quality.

As a final note, the Team would like to give their moral support to the employees of Midway Castle, who are now out of a jab (80 staff members!). The studio was not able to be bought, and had to close down. This is the team responsible for games like Wheelman and Necessary Force (the latter now for sell). Best of luck in your future!

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